Let's Be The Change

Hi friends,
I am here to discuss a real incident that I have come across last week while I was on the way home from college by bus. And the bus was overloaded with passengers and most of them were college students. There was a young pregnant lady who had no seat or place. and even though most of my co-passengers were young students, no one was ready to give her a place to sit. Everyone was busy with their mobile phones. On the other hand, she couldn't balance herself in the ridges.
The below picture well describe the real scenario:

My young co-passengers were sitting as the boy does (with their ear-phones and mobile-phones). The moment when I had given my seat to her, her eyes were filled with a wave of peace and the feel which she had given me was not expressible one. But I well realized that the happiness of helping others can't be substituted by anything in this world.
See friends I am not blaming anyone. From our childhood, we have just grown mechanically. According to us valuable literature that teaches ethics of life are just memory lessons to score in exams, moral science is a useless philosophy, Advises are irritating noise. And these are the TRENDY FASHION OF OUR YOUNG SOCIETY. And if we also know these are wrong we shouldn't change because "Be a Roman in Rome".
We, humans generally have the habit of using the right one in the wrong instances. Here this proverb makes sense of this line. For example, consider a case: A diamond has fallen in the garbage, if it also merges with its surroundings, it will lose its value, but if it shines without losing its originality surely someone will come and clean the garbage to capture the diamond. So if you don't lose the originality you will surely make a difference.
My father used to say, when you are under a tree's shadow, you will be in the super comfort zone but you can't find your shadow in it. But if you come out of it, then your shadow will have majestic look. This is what life is... If you are in a comfort zone, you will lose your own identity, when you come out of it "you can create a definition of yourself".
So come on friends, let's just close our gadgets and just open our eyes. We don't want to follow the trends created by actors. We can just make it. If someone asks about our favorite heroes and heroines, let's pronouns the names of achievers and leaders and not the actors. Apart from liking and sharing social views on social media, we can also arise to work on it. Stop expecting a change, let's create it.
Vivekanandar has told, "Just give me 100 youngsters, I will show you the change in the country".
We are not a hundred but we are 75% of our country's total population. Let us break the virtual world that we have created with our gadgets and social network and give a majestic entry to the real world and change into a beautiful loyal paradise.
We can be late but we can be on the latest.
let's be the change.
Thank you for reading and please share with your friends comment to me about your views.
This is not just a blog but just a stepping block to built a society.
Harshini Saravanan


Unknown said…
Very Good and Nice message 👍
Saran surya said…
Super b lines and a very good message
Saran surya said…
Super b lines and a very good message