why society tiptop?

Society tiptop:
The word "tip top" is actually a phrase that refers to the "best quality","being perfect" or "excellence". Thus how can just make our society to a perfect one or at least a better one.
So let me introduce a girl:
We shall name her as Sakshi. She is a bold little girl. Her eyes overflows with self-confidence. her soul is beautifully decorated with her dreams. i think the below is perfect to describe her:
She wants to achieve something in her life. And she believed she can. now she is 10 years old. She started observing many and many faults happening around her. She starts searching for the reason of pity status of the society. She grows with same spirit. she analysed that no one bothers about it because nothing is a problem until they face it. At the age of 15 she has written a book named "Being Selfish"- The glass armor. This title has much meaning in it.

"Being Selfish"-The GLASS armor:
The Armor means protection shield. Being Selfish is like a glass armor. It looks like an armor but in spite of saving , it will hurt you more, when some problem hits you. In this book, she has written about major problems of the society and what will be happening if people didn't bother about it. 

Friends, this may be a friction. But this is truth. Please don't be selfish. It may pretend ike your armor but it will seriously turn into a weapon to kill you when the problem arise.

Humanity, showing gratitude,expresing love to each other,helping people, etc,. are the basic qualities of humans. If we loose these things, then there would be no difference between human and other creatures. We the humans, are turning so greedy. Due to this we are loosing these basic qualities. we just want to create a world which is completely filled with automation where we should be the richest. Now, this is the common ambition of each and every typical human. 

Do you think it is possible to live in a automation world?

See friends, We are also typical living beings created by nature. Its provide the needs that are necessary to satisfy us. and as the expression of gratitude, we should follow the rule book created by it. That is, we shouldn't establish something that destroy the natural resources or over exploit a natural resource.
Nature has given us tasty fresh water but in return we are exiting factory waste in it. Nature has given us trees in order to purify the air, give us rain, etc,. but we in return deforest it. Nature has given us fertile top soil to regenerate ground water. But we in return build condrete roads. It gives us Oxygen but we in return release toxic gases into it.
We need comfort but not healthy life. Am i right?
See guys, it will not be calm in all times. At one point of time it will surely loose its patience. If it happens so, its reactions and actions will be the worst unexpected. At the end of the day, we would be the victim. We all know, by Newton's law "Every action has its own reaction". This is not only applicable for your science but also nature.

So please friends...
I am not asking you to go to the monkeys' life but still you can do some eco-friendly inventions. Before bring something into a market please research the worse effect of those in our environment. Don't think about today alone, think about tomorrow too.
This is a beautiful world and only planet with amazing facts and lives. Still hundreds of generations should enjoy these resource. Don't over exploit and destroy these.
Harshini Saravanan
