No title to attract just content to realize

Hi friends,
Do you want to know, "What about the blog is" ?

Knowing is one of the important skills of all animals including human beings. And We can know something only from learning.
From the first day of life, we have started the mission of learning. We earnt how to eat, smile, sit, stand, talk, read, write, express our feeling, how to behave, what is good and bad, etc. And this is where the need for education comes.
Education is the process of learning or acquiring knowledge, skills, and values that are essential needs of life.
After mining, a huge black stone with a lot of impurities is brought out. After a huge purifying process that dusty black stone turns into a beautiful shining diamond.
Education is like the purifying process.

Our Indian Education System:
Does anyone know how the present education system of India has evolved?
In India, an earlier eduction system is commenced by the supervision of gurus. Everyone has special coaching based on their skills. And there is no fee or any prizes given to the gurus. 
The National Policy of Education has been framed in 1986 and amended in the year of 1992. Rashtriya Madhyamika is a scheme, established in the year of 2009. The main goal of this scheme is to provide easy access to secondary education to everyone and then the New Education Policy (NEP) was formed in 2016 to bring the revolutionary changes in the Indian Education System.
Our education system helps every student to acquire knowledge in every subject. And the standard of the book that we follow is just out=standing.
Even though our education is good on its own but due to competition between schools since it has become a corporate business, it looses the power of its merits.
Instead of teaching moral values to become a good human being, the educational institutions just use the students as marketing sources to increase the customers.
And this becomes a trend and made the marks as the main motive. 
The real education system is the one that converts a child into a good human with good values but not data delivering robots.
Friends, This era has invented the machine that can understand and learn new things and even realize human emotions but just think where are we going... Are we going towards human development? Soon Artificial Intelligence will become better than a human being but we?

We are just turning into the worst machine.
a education must teach a child:
  • Humanity
  • Moral values
  • discipline
  • A good education should help a person to know himself 

First teachers must know learning is something that is more than scoring marks in exams. If a student is not good at studies, then he must good at some other thing. I am not asking teachers to find it out. But at least allow them to realize it. 
Monkeys can climb the trees well meanwhile other animals can't do so. By this, we can't say that monkeys are the best. other animals have their features that monkey doesn't have.
Everyone is born with their individuality which helps to lead their lives and that becomes their purpose.
Thank you for reading and please share with your friends and comment to me about your views.
Your single share and comment means a lot to me.
This is not just a blog but just a stepping block to built a society.
Harshini Saravanan


Unknown said…
Yes I totally agree with you more than teaching moral values, humanity etc so and so forth,, our Indian education system gives more of selling ourselves to corporate. We the people of this generation should get some change in this system. Good to hear and hard to do at this point of time as we are common people. But let’s not give up we shall try by sharing this blog to all youngsters who have power to do this.
Thank you for your comment. “We are common” is the biggest reason that we have to compromise all the things that happen around. But we forget that most of the big revolutions are made by the people who were common people once. We have enough rights to get what we want. We are”common people” not alaves to just fallow the orders given by someone. And once again thank you so much for your valuable comment