Come on friends, Let’s make our life quite interesting

I challenge you, if you have the patience to read this blog from top to bottom then you can surely reach several heights. Why do I tell so? Come let’s look into it.
Hi friends,
Very happy to communicate with you after a long period. I made this content as short as possible because I want you all to read this completely. Today I am here to discuss something about destiny.
We all travel in parallel but not together. But if our destinies are similar, we will surely celebrate a get-together feast at least once in our life.
I believe this strongly. Do you?
Is the aim, the destiny, the dreams the same?
Many of us think that they are the same, but actually, they are not so. "Dream" is something for what you wish personally. For example, if a little girl likes her friend's pencil box and she wishes to have it as same as her friend has, then she will dream of having the same. But she doesn't know whether she will get it or not. So if you wish for having something, and also you are not sure about making it true as it's not in your hands, then you can name it as Dream"Aim"  can be called as a short time destiny. For example, a software company plans for a project that will scan a person and tells whether they are healthy or nutrient deficient, this is not their dream because they will surely put their complete effort to bring a successful outcome. So, if you do not wish to have something but also put the maximum effort to have it as you are completely responsible for its result, then you can name it as aim. "Destiny" is the combination of dream, aim, and nature. For example, if one wants to become a good human. For that, first, he has to dream to be such a person then he must have the aim and must take the required steps and finally if he is capable to deserve it, nature will gift him. That's destiny.
Everyone irrespective of age wants to reach their destiny. But our destiny is different. One wants to become healthy while another wants to become wealthy, one wants to become a good employee while others want to become a good entrepreneur, one wants to become a good human with better values while another wants to become intelligent. 
So, what I am trying to tell is Don’t be a copycat of anyone. Each and everyone is special and unique in their own way.

Know your own merits and demerits. Discover yourself. Do what you wish and what you are capable of. Let's consider the wild animals. If someone tells them “Animals who can climb the tree are only capable to survive in this forest !”, then just think of other animals! Whether the healthy vegetation will be maintained? Only Monkey and similar animals can climb the tree and most of them are either herbivores or Omnivores. So, the greenery will be over exhausted. Similarly, don’t wear yourself a false bridle. See the entire world. Analise yourself. Frankly speaking, there are many and many amazing things beyond the marks. So, please come out of it, Be practical. If someone spoon-feeds the marks to you. Then be calm and strengthen yourself with your unique talent, then prove yourself by your action.
Don't search for an example, set yourself as an example. But don’t become a copycat of someone because God designed you so creative such that no one in this world looks physically like you. You are a unique art piece but making yourself a historical one or rough art completely depends on your opinion.
If this inspired you the please shar to your friends. For more such blogs, follow my blog.

Society tiptop a forward stel to create the tiptop society

Harshini Saravanan 
